College and Its Credit Bedfellows

I know, yet another post about college but I simply had to put this out. Looks like the country's financial issue stems alot more into the whole University-to-Cubical-Slave dogma then even I thought. Check out this article just posted by BusinessWeek. In it they show that colleges and alumni associations get paid HUGE money by banks if the they sell student contact info to them for of course credit card applications and student loans. It continues to amaze me how we continue to throw our kids (and our wallets) into universities like sheep to the slaughter (as seen in the articles lovely pics shown here).
As stated in my previous post about how worthless a college education is now and the sort-of hidden motives by colleges; this article just shows that this country's lack of money stems right at that focal point. $400K homes and the ever raise in the cost of living wouldn't have fallen to this economic depression we are in if people were taught the truth that the best point of wealth is not to rot in a cubical of a job (jackass of boss) all their life but instead be their own boss down the road with a job as a buffer. I did post a length comment on this story under the name Chuck G. of course, so if you want to add on to this here or on my guest. The picture below shows the amount of money some universities get. Its absolutely sickening.

-Pictures are illustrated by J. Alex Stamos and couldn't be any truer.

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