Church Banning Angels and Demons, An Effort to Hide Their Demons

In yet another unsurprising move by the highly out of date Church; the Vatican prevented filming of the real Bernini statue they needed for the "Angels and Demons" movie. Of course, like the DaVinchi Code movie expect more unintelligent and irrelevant banning. Already churches across the globe are doing what they can to stop their brainwashed sheep from evolving into free-thought human beings by downplaying and degrading this work of art and need I remind them...fictional story! I read all of the Dan Brown books and I was raised a Catholic for god's sake, so forgive my strong message here, but this needs to be said!

To not give away much of the story, the concept mentioned in "Angels and Demons" revolves around a murdered scientist who discovers the secrets to matter and antimatter, hence the notion of angels and demons. As with the DaVinchi Code, much of the side information revolving around the fictional story is true. For example, recently CERN (the real life scientific establishment mentioned in the book) just created a brand new partical accelerator to hopefully fit together the Unified Theory of Matter. Scientist there as I write this are studying exactly what is in the book. The scientist mentioned in the story, need I also mention, was a highly religious individual and by using science his discovered that ::gasp:: the bible's mention of creation of something from nothing might actually be true to some degree. Of course, you can't get such facts through the head of over-religious bigots even though such information might actually aid in their undermining goal of world domination.
Since the church is both used to slowing the progress of society and are also pissed their minions aren't as naive as they used to be (in the dark ages) they will continue to bash this story and the movie, thus at least piss off common-sensical individuals like myself and millions upon millions of others. Too bad for them they can't kill people for their free thought (because that is just the most holy thing you can do) as they used to. Just like the radical and terrorist Islamics, radical Christians will soon be extinct as society draws further and further away from fairy tales and assumptions that they know know are just there to make humanity think in unison.

A message to all organized religions:
Just be places of worship and moral fiber like you are meant to be! This means actually abiding by the morals of being good to others as you so many times state but historically never do! If you run your worship with this in mind, you will never have the need to force your religion on others since they will be attracted to you. If what you have to offer really isn't for humanity then watch it fall into the pages of history as a misguided fad.

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