Not much of a surprise to many, all colleges in 49 out of all 50 states got a big "F" for lack of affordability. The only state to pass was California with a pathetic C-. One of the cogs in the current financial/economic meltdown is indeed the ridiculously priced college education. There is a serious problem when the cost of "higher-education" is practically a mortgage without a house. My previous posts about college shows that I'm not too fond of the terrible ROI and over-exaggeration of college's importance in our society but there is many good that a college education can do. That potential is completely shattered by the same greed that realtors and banks had over the past decade in which has absolutely decimated our economy. The blatant theft done by the housing and financial industry has only crept up over the past 30 years and of course rushed on up in the past 5 years; but college education's thievery has been in a constant grow for over 80 years.
Many news stations have been reporting this and there are many numbers that are going around but this can be certain; the pricing of homes, oil, electricity and college education MUST drop to accommodate the average working salary or no amount of bailouts will be enough to fix the economy because the cause of it, seen right here is just simply pampered by bailouts.
Once upon time, Disney made movies that made me feel lost in wonder for
days. Falling in love with a princess and her love story, hoping to have
one of my ...
11 years ago