Obama to Cancel Bush's Stem Cell Ban

In yet another batch of great news to come from the recent election win of Barack Obama, it appears that Bush's old ban on stem cell research will finally be lifted.  More on it from CNN here.

This will of course upset the very white, very conservative and very angry part of this country that for all too long has had their cultist say in things.  I hate to come back from my lack of blog posts with such a bashing but it had to be said.  The conservative part of this country are just the western equivalent to the extremeist islamic terrorists of the mid-east, but mind you, like anywhere else, it's not the whole group of people. 

Listen, I'm not for abortion and really neither are the scientific groups involved in stem-cell research but we have to grow up as a nation and see a blessing in science when its right there in front of us.  The cure for cancer and many other illnesses is staring us in the face but because of dark-ages old thought, it has been prevented. Abortion is wrong in my opinion if the sex that lead to the conception was a mutual agreement, if the pregnancy is far too late in progression, or if the pregnancy doesn't endanger the mother.  I'll leave it at that and hopefully the amount of hate mail below won't be so much, but what can I do; there are still people in this modern age who believe in talking snakes, who are stubborn as mules, and who will cut their nose off despite their face.  Remember, umbilical cords also have stem cells and if we don't act quickly in this research, many more people will be living needlessly short lives because some 2000+ year old cult wanted them to supposedly meet their maker sooner then later.

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