Thursday, July 4, 2013

Restore The Fourth, End the NSA Spying & Police State

To the ‎#NSA, Department of Homeland Security, POTUS, and other government agencies & police jurisdictions that continue to erode our freedoms with the false premise of security from "terrorists"... you are now the oppressors of Liberty that the British were to the colonists 237 years ago.

I've never cared much for nationalism; such is the modern adaptation of animalistic tribalism. But we as a country need to come together to fight the real enemy; the ones who are right here and in seat of power; the ones who pay the campy morning news to tell you what to think, whom pay the 24 hour news what you are suppose to fear. These same enemies of freedom are ones who villianize people like Snowden, who threw his freedom away to tell you all the truth that this message I am writing, all of your phone calls and all of your personal emails are being monitored and stored for future use in a $1.2 billion taxpayer paid facility in Utah. The same terrible people who for years tortured Bradley Manning, who also threw away his life of freedom to show us the festering pile of corruption in our foreign policies. The same evil people who have jailed a young gamer for using sarcasm online and jailed a family for not letting the police use their home as a spy center for the alleged actions of their neighbors. Not only is the 4th amendment violated by the NSA, TSA and DHS, but so now is the 1st and 3rd Amendment from these more recent stories. This country is becoming a Police State, with New York being the testing grounds since we can't seem to get past our PTSD of 9/11.
These Enemies of the People are not some religious fanatics living in a Mideast cave; those are mere distractions, dangerous but stoppable with nothing more than common sense and not fearing them. The real enemies are the Department of Homeland, NSA, people like Rep. Peter King (the DHS's mouthpiece), Rep. Mike Rogers (CISPA's writer) and other representatives who voted for such crap like FISA, CISPA, SOPA, PIPA & the Patriot Act. Yep, even our rep, Tim Bishop is part of the problem as he voted yes for all of this.

Enjoy the hotdogs, BBQs and fireworks today, this ‎#July4th. Even if the‎#restorethefourth movement doesn't make the strides to convince the ever Loyalist masses that their own government has become the enemy...eventually the amount of rights lost in the name of false security will anger even the most loyal Today Show, CNN & Fox News viewer...but will it then be too late?

Hey, maybe we should just dismantle the facility in Utah, hack & delete‎#PRISM and spray paint all the red light cameras..."lol j/k"