Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Don't Shop and Don't Work on Thanksgiving

Do a favor to people wrongfully being forced to work tomorrow... DON'T SHOP until after midnight Black Friday.. stay out of the stores tomorrow, be with family like you are suppose to and show the desperate maniacs running these retail locations that holidays are suppose to be, well... holidays.  Seeing friends being forced to work a stupid retail job because some brown-nosing asshat in marketing needs to show something of worth to a pathetically greedy business a crime.

Do everyone a favor and TAKE A DAY OFF.  The stores and sales will still be there and the world won't come to an end if for one day you don't step foot in a retail store.  Eat turkey, watch some TV, browse the internet and let there be a true boundary between Black Friday and the holidays.  That boundary needs to go back and companies like Walmart, Target, Toys-R-US, etc, need to be put in their place.

I'm a freaken small business owner and I'm saying this!  Yes, you need sales as a business but these businesses are breaking a boundary that shouldn't be crossed.  People across the world laugh at how little rights workers get in the US, the so-called, "Land of the free".  Vacation, overtime and holidays for workers in the US is  practically nonexistent and getting worse each year; particularly when you compare to other first world countries.  Most workers being shoved into their job tomorrow are NOT being paid overtime as they should.

I'm all for a good work ethic, but we need to take a lesson from Europe... you work to live, not live to work.