True Love Is Real

An interesting study came from my former college of Stony Brook University and was posted on CNN today. Looks like true love, or love that lasts a life time does indeed exist. Problem is only 10% of couples have it. My opinion is that the ego of the couple tends to fade the love fast and why you see so many people leaving their loved ones.
I most definitely fit in that 10%. Been dating my now fiancee Danielle for over 6 years and I love her more each day. I feel sorry for those who can't keep the love going. The secret is not that secret...just love the person you're with more than anyone else out there. That person should be your number 1 priority. Learn to get over any dislikes in habits and such. Both people in a couple should be able to like everything about the one they love and both should learn to submit any ego issues they have.

For all those losers in my senior year back in 2002 who tried to challenge this with me and it and weep. Most of those people who were a thorn in my side then I only knew from my senior year and like many in the town of Selden are living soooo sad lives., not my long time friends though. Still buds with them in Facebook and myspace (which wasn't around at the time) and also prove that a life of both submission and independence is actually the way to live and love.

...and that's my random 2 cents for the day ^_^.

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