Blogger is Finally Fixed

Holy frecken ass-crackers! For some of you that were wondering... yes this blog was down for exactly one week. Why, should you ask? Because Blogger goofed up last Friday. There has been so much news going on and I've been sitting like a middle-class person at the recent financial hearings. So glad to be back. I was sick last weekend with the flu and my webhost kicks the bucket the same time blogger got clogged yet they denied that they didn't work for one week. Anyways, today is a huge day since I'm taking the train now for New York Anime Festival 2008. More on that and FREE Death Note II: Last Name Tickets!!

My Blog List

  • Frozen (SPOILERS) - Once upon time, Disney made movies that made me feel lost in wonder for days. Falling in love with a princess and her love story, hoping to have one of my ...
    10 years ago


Copyright © Chuck Gaffney Blog, Chuck Gaffney and BT - Anime Music.